Moving Beyond Your Divorce

There is no single more powerful stumbling block to moving beyond our divorce into a new life than the inability to accept our new reality. Acceptance is the hardest part of the divorce recovery process. Acceptance requires total honesty, courage and the willingness to let go of the life that we had...a life that no longer exists. Without that acceptance, we cannot move forward and create a new life.

How does one learn acceptance? Although it takes time and a good deal of inner work, it can be done. Here is a step-by-step guide to move you towards acceptance:

1) It's about you, not them.

One of the most powerful lessons in life is the knowledge that we have control over one person and one person only…ourselves. If you are looking outside of yourself to move forward, you won't. We can't change anyone but ourselves. We have power over no one except ourselves. It is when we turn inward and do the work on ourselves that we will be able to effect dramatic and positive changes in our lives.

Being a victim means giving away all control and power. If I blame someone else for my situation, then I am powerless to do anything about it as I have chosen to absolve myself of any responsibility.

We can create changes that will make out lives better but not until we stop trying to change our ex or our current reality and we realize that it's about us, not them.

2) Get support.

If you think you can do this all by yourself you may be in for a big surprise. Research consistently shows that getting support in any challenging endeavor leads to more success. Whether you choose a divorce support group, a therapist, a member of the clergy or a Life Coach, just do it.

If you are one of the those people who think that you have to handle life's challenges on your own because somehow you equate support with weakness, get over it! Getting support is a sign of intelligence as far as I'm concerned as well as an indication that you really are serious about moving onward in life.

3) First, you must get through the initial stages of loss that includes denial, grief, anger, depression and whatever else you might be feeling early in the divorce process.

These emotions are all natural and necessary states that we need to experience. They are the norm versus the exception. Each one of these feelings needs to be embraced and experienced fully. There must be an ending before a new beginning.

There is a difference between fully experiencing an emotional stage and getting stuck in it. Beware excessive self-pity and real depression. Here is where support becomes important to your well-being and improvement.

4) Distinguish between facts and interpretations.

I cannot stress the importance of this step enough. People get stuck when they cannot face the facts and prefer to believe that their personal interpretations are reality.

You might be familiar with the exercise of the picture that has a hidden image within it. Ten people may come up with ten different interpretations of the picture. Some people will see the hidden image immediately and others will never see it until it is pointed out to them. Either way, the hidden picture exists. It is a fact.

You may feel that you have been mentally abused and yet your partner may feel that you are the one that is abusive. He said, she said. Probably a counselor will see a totally different picture altogether. You know, there's your side, his side and then the truth.

Once you are truthful with yourself and can see the facts versus the drama or story of your divorce, you will be on your way to acceptance.

5) Be brutally honest and take responsibility for your marriage, divorce and life.

Those of us who can be totally honest with ourselves will receive the gift of a deep awareness of who and what we are along with the ability to accept our lives as they are without looking to blame someone else. Being honest allows us to see things that hadn't existed for us before. The truth will indeed set you free. By setting aside our egos, we can look at our life for what it actually is versus a story about our divorce.

Once we have been honest and have embraced all the facts about our divorce, we are free to accept full responsibility for our lives. Responsibility is power and the freedom to choose what we want next in life. If we cannot take responsibility, we remain victims and victims absolve themselves of both their responsibility and therefore the power to control their own lives.

6) Learn the difference between what is and what you think should be.

If we are living in a netherland of what we think should be, we are completely cut off from reality or 'what is'. If you think that you should not have to be experiencing divorce, then you cannot accept what is…that you are indeed getting divorced. You live in a world of your own.

We all create a list of should be's that keep us stuck in the status quo: I should be happier, I should be getting more support, I shouldn't have to work, and I should still be married. By concentrating on what we should be, we ignore what actually exists for us and remain stuck.

I think we should live in a world where peace is the predominant ethic but we don't live in that world. That's a dream I have. By acknowledging the world as it truly exists, I can make choices as to how I will live my life and also how to address the problems that do exist.

7) Consider the emotional wounds that you brought to the marriage.

Your ex may complain that you were not a warm person. I doubt that it was your marriage that created a cold person, if indeed that is what you are. We bring ourselves into our marriages and the parts of us that show up and create issues are the parts of us that we haven't addressed yet. They are emotional wounds from somewhere in our past and they have a tendency to pop-up in our close relationships or when we are faced with challenging times.

Now is your chance to address those wounds and heal them so that you do not repeat your so-called mistakes again. Use your divorce as a catalyst to go inside and heal yourself.

8) Release toxic emotions.

Get rid of the debilitating toxic emotions that you are carrying around. Picture them as heavy baggage that keeps you stuck in your misery and produces a broken back. Anger, bitterness, hatred, resentment, rage…these are all toxic emotions that will harm you far more than your ex. You are the one who pays the price. You need to work through them and then release them because they will weigh you down for the rest of your life if you allow it.

Once you have done the work of truth versus interpretations and what is versus what should be, you will find it much easier to give up your anger and resentment. They do not serve you and you are learning to give away anything that does not serve you well.

9) Learn forgiveness for yourself and your mate.

You might not be able to practice forgiveness in the early stages of the journey to recovery but if you go through these other steps, you will be able to forigive your ex and more importantly, yourself. Forgiveness takes a big load off your shoulders. It releases energy that can be used for positive things.

Forgiveness does not necessarily mean you condone bad behavior, it simply means you forgive. If we separate the person from the behavior it becomes easier to forgive. You know that just because you sometimes say mean things it does not mean you are a bad person. Just a lapse in judgment. We are not necessarily our behavior. We know all the subconscious motivations that exist within every individual. If we look at the inner child within a person, forgiveness is a given.

10) Make conscious decisions; utilize free choice.

When you do the inner work of divorce recovery, you tend to attend to many things that have been left unresolved for years. You become more conscious of your actions and your choices. You become aware of the subconscious and how it can run your life. When you learn to observe the constant mind chatter that goes on inside your heads, you learn that the mind chatter is not us, its just chatter.

Making conscious decisions based in free choice means that we are not letting our mind chatter, our past, our emotional wounds or our interpretations of reality run the show. We take control of our lives. Conscious living allows for incredible freedom and the ability to create extraordinary changes.

And your bonus tip:

11) Find the gifts of your divorce.

Everything that occurs in our lives and everything that we are (warts and all) has a hidden gift. If you speak to someone who has survived divorce and has gone on to create a and vibrant life based upon their own passions and values, they will certainly tell you that their divorce was the best thing that happened to them. That may not be true for you but there is a gift waiting for you to find. My ex likes to say that he is responsible for my new career and to a certain extent he has played a part. Oftentimes it takes a good whack on the head to awaken us to life's possibilities and our own happiness.

It's the old adage: Every cloud has a silver lining. It is true. Search for the gifts of your divorce and it becomes yet another step toward a successful recovery from the trauma of divorce.

Successful divorce recovery takes inner work. Much like a flower, the work that has takes place underneath the surface of the ground, invisible to the human eye, is the crucial aspect. Without that subterranean work, there would be no flower. The reward of the flower is dependent upon the inner work of the seed and the root system. It is the same with humans. Do the inner work and you see the outer rewards.

About The Author
Shelley Stile is a professionally trained (Coaches Training Institute) who coaches clients on a one-on-one basis guiding them towards the goals they desire to achieve in order to live their best life possible. She specializes in working with women and divorce recovery. Shelley also teaches the "Creating Change in Your Life" workshop at the Adult Schools of Montclair and The Chathams in New Jersey as well as volunteering at the Center for Women in Livingston, New Jersey. She is a member of the International Speaker's Forum and served as a Coach for Harv Ekar's Life Directions seminar series. Shelley trained with the Coaches training Institute and is presently undergoing certification for Divorce Coaching with the Ford Institute for Integrative Coaching.

You can learn more about Life Coaching with Shelley at and or contact Shelley at


Warning! Flu Shots Can Be Dangerous To Your Health

Every year about this time doctors around the world are recommending that people go in and get their annual flu shot. What most people don't know or understand is just how dangerous this could be, especially for children under the age of 12. When people call and say "My doctor is telling the family to go in and get a flu shot. Should I do it?"…I tell them they should learn about the side effects and decide for themselves…as a chiropractor and naturopathic physician I don't' have the time or energy to argue with family practitioners or family doctors who are obviously uneducated on the possible side effects or detrimental effects flu shots or vaccinations in general can have on the body.
I personally have never received a flu shot and have never been ill during the flu season. In my personal opinion I don't think toxic chemicals and strains of different viruses growing on living tissue belong inside the body. Because of the demand, I want to share with you some of the research that we have found in the latest flu shot trend and the by-products of these supposedly sterile and non-harmful solutions.
I don't know about you, but I sure would not want any of the following compounds in my bloodstream or deposited in my body. Let's look at what we have found in the common vaccinations:
Ethylene Glycol: Ethylene Glycol is nothing more than the technical name for anti-freeze, the same stuff that you put inside your car engine. I don't think I have to tell you what would happen if you ingest antifreeze.
Thimerosal: This is a mercury derived disinfectant and preservative which is used in a majority of the vaccinations and can result in brain injury over a long period of time leading into Alzheimer's or Parkinson's Disease, lack of memory, sluggish brain performance and also is known to induce auto-immune diseases such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, ALS as well as altering and depleting the immune system from working efficiently.
Phenol: Phenol is most commonly used as a disinfectant, also used as a dye, is listened as a carcinogenic agent (cancer-causing) agent and is also known as carbolic acid.
Neomycin and Streptomycin: These compounds are used as antibiotics which have side effects to include severe allergic reactions in some people. It always puzzled me why they are putting two different forms of antibiotics in a viral vaccine.
Aluminum: Aluminum accumulates in the skin, bones, brain and kidneys and can cause Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. Aluminum has also caused cancer in laboratory mice. It is commonly used as an additive in most vaccinations.
Formaldehyde: Formaldehyde is used as a preservative. It is also classified as a carcinogenic (cancer-causing agent) and causes the body fluids to become acidic in nature. Formaldehyde will start to preserve your tissues within the body.
I hope that when your doctor starts telling you that it is time for your annual flu vaccine you will present this material to him and ask him how all of these ingredients are going to prevent you from getting the flu. I'll be very interested in knowing what his answer is to that question. As a side note just to let you know what is being injected to your body, these vaccines are strained through animal or human tissues like chicken embryos, monkey kidney tissue and embryonic guinea pig cells, to name a few.
So what am I supposed to do if I don't listen to my doctor and I decide not to get an annual flu shot? Well, you have probably made the smartest decision you have ever made in your entire life. So let me give you 5 Simple Secrets and Bonuses to Sailing Through The Flu Season:
Secret #1: Reduce your intake of caffeine, alcohol and carbonated beverages and replace with purified water with addition of organic apple cider vinegar added. Two tablespoons per gallon or a capful per glass. Ideally, you should drink at least ½ gallon of water each day.
Secret #2: Reduce intake of refined white sugar, white flour, sweets, refined grains and hydrogenated oils. Try not to over-eat, especially during the holidays. Try to get adequate exercise—at least 3 times per week. The more you move, the better your lymph system is able to move toxic materials out of the body.
Secret #3: Zinc. In a majority of the studies that have been done during the flu season many people have prevented the flu by taking supplements of zinc. Zinc is one of the most powerful immune stimulants and is powerful anti-viral. There are a lot of different forms of zinc and you have to be careful on which one you choose. Therefore I recommend the best and most absorbable form of zinc which is zinc orotate. If you cannot find this form of zinc at your local health food store or natural health care practitioner contact Global Healing Center at 713.476.0016 or Do not take zinc at the same time you eat or drink citrus fruits or juices. It will diminish the effectiveness of the zinc.
Secret #4: Eat as close to nature as possible. This means to eat food that is considered "live." Include raw fruits (seasonal), vegetables and nuts and seeds as much as possible in your diet. If possible, buy organic or from a local farmer's market. Make sure that you thoroughly wash your fruits and vegetables before consuming. Vegetables may be steamed lightly or used in nourishing soups and stews. Adding fresh garlic to your diet is also recommended.
Secret #5: Eliminate stress and negative emotions. Being negative and allowing stress to affect you can quickly bring down the immune system. Learn to say no to activities that will over-tax your schedule. Spend time alone each day and read positive books, listen to good music or practice meditation. Train your mind to find the positive or good in every situation and treat all of these situations as a learning experience. Don't go around playing the "victim" in life.
BONUS! Secret #6: Colloidal Silver, Oxygenator and Oregano Oil: Colloidal silver has been around for hundreds of years and has been used as a natural antibiotic which promotes healing. It can also be used as a nasal spray and as eardrops. Oxygenator is a safe, stable, inorganic compound of oxygen and chlorine-containing products, in a colorless and odorless aqueous medium. Oxygenator is known to release chlorine dioxide (CL02), and the product has demonstrated efficacy as an anti-inflammatory, broad spectrum, bactericidal, fungicidal, as well as a virucidal agent. The Chemistry Literature verifies this triple-threat ability of CL02. Oregano Oil is a powerful germ and painkiller. An article published in Phytotherapy Research describes how oregano oil superceded anti-inflammatory drugs in reversing pain and inflammation and is nearly as powerful as morphine as a painkiller. The oil also possesses significant antioxidant powers. Furthermore, it stimulates the flow of bile, which greatly aids digestion. Keep these three products in your medicine cabinet at all times. All three are available from or call 713.476.0016.
SUPER BONUS!! Extra Tips and Suggestions
  • Get adequate sleep and rest. The body does the most healing between the hours of sundown and midnight. It is impossible to "catch-up" on sleep.
  • Wash your hands frequently. Rinse and dry your hands thoroughly and keep them away from your eyes, nose, and mouth. If you sneeze use a tissue and throw it away as soon as possible.
  • Buy a new toothbrush frequently. Toothbrushes can harbor viruses and prolong an illness.
  • Eucalyptus Oil is good for relieving congestion. Put 6 drops in a hot bath or in boiling water, put a towel over your head and inhale the vapors. You can also diffuse it through an essential oil diffuser.
  • Dairy Products. Dairy can be very mucous causing not to mention the fact that many people have an allergy to cow's milk and don't even know it.
  • 3 Drops of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide in each ear 3x daily for 5 days helps relieve flu symptoms.
With many flu seasons ahead I felt it was finally time to break the silence and reveal these secrets to as many people as possible. I have come to the conclusion that your Dr. doesn't want you to know about the detrimental effects of flu shots and vaccinations. Please feel free to share this article with your friends, family and loved ones. I wish you a happy and healthy holiday season. Don't forget to check all the information and research articles on our continually up-dated website:
About The Author

Dr. Group and his book have received critical acclaim from the media, health publications and people from around the country. He in an international speaker and has spoken with respected speakers such as Deepak Chopra, Julian Whittaker, Stedman Graham and Joseph Mercola. He has spoken at the International Wellness Conference, State Chiropractic Conventions and on the campuses of many colleges and universities. He's also been interviewed by several radio talk shows and magazines.


Best Selling Natural Skin Care Moisturizer - 3 Amazing Ingredients ...

When was the last time you took a look at what was in that best selling natural skin care moisturizer product? After all, you want your skin to feel soft and look young and glowing. So, it's a good idea to check your product's ingredients list.

Make sure the moisturizer, and other products, don't contain any harmful substances which are ineffective or cause ugly side effects.

Take a look at the label and see if there are any substances like: mineral oils (names like paraffin wax or petrolatum), parabens (also known by names like methyl, propyl and ethyl paraben), dioxanes and fragrances.

Why? If you find any of them in your skin care moisturizer cream product, avoid them. They're synthetic unnatural ingredients that aren't healthy or safe to be in skincare products. They cause anything from dry skin, depression, irritation...even cancer.

Just do a bit of research and become an educated consumer. Start looking at the ingredients used by skincare companies. Very few best selling natural skincare moisturizer products you'll find are 100% pure natural skincare products as they claim.

Don't give up, keep looking for a natural skin care moisturizer cream containing natural substances. There are some very good natural skincare companies out that have effective, healthy skin care products.

When I researched natural skincare companies, I found one that uses pure substances in their products. Their products are safe, effective and healthy for you and your skin.

Ready to find the best selling natural skin care moisturizer which contains amazing natural ingredients that are high quality and proven effective?

Here are some ingredients which are 100% natural:

1. Phytessence Wakame - is an effective natural healthy skin care ingredient. An extract from a Japanese sea kelp (from the Japanese sea), which is rich in sodium, iron, potassium, calcium, B-group vitamins, antioxidants and other essential minerals are our body needs.

It's not wonder it's a Japanese "beauty preserver", this Japanese sea kelp is prized for its ability to keep skin healthy and youthful looking. It increases skin elasticity and helps heal irritated and dry skin.

2. Nano-Lipobelle H-EQ10 -- is a special form of CoenzymeQ10 that penetrates deep into your skin. It supplies skin with powerful antioxidants which fight the harmful free radicals. It also protects the skin from the sun's UV rays and helps to rejuvenate skin cells to keep your skin toned.

3. Cynergy TK - this substance (extracted from the wool of the New Zealand sheep) contains functional keratin. The keratin protein is found throughout the body and has the ability to convert natural keratin into a functional form which increases your body's own production of collagen and elastin. This results in smoothing your fine lines and rejuvenating your skin.

So there you have it, checking the best selling natural skin care moisturizer ingredients is a must, because when you find the best natural skin care moisturizer cream there's no doubt you'll achieve healthy, soft, young-looking and glowing skin.

Visit my website today for information on more powerful and effective ingredients. All substances are safe, healthy and proven effective.

About The Author
Marcia Kruger is a researcher, editor and passionate advocate of a natural healthy lifestyle which includes skin care and supplementation. Marcia enjoys sharing and introducing people to the best natural products she finds and uses herself daily.

Visit her latest site to learn about clinically tested and scientifically proven natural skin care ingredients for women and men.

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Seven Reasons to Have a Digital Personal Health Record

A digital personal health record (PHR) is a computer-based software application that allows you to store a variety of personal health information including illnesses, hospitalizations, encounters (i.e. visits and communications), journal information in between doctor visits, medications, allergies, immunizations, surgeries, lab results, and family history. The personal health record differs from an electronic medical record which is a similar application with much more all-encompassing features used by healthcare providers such as scheduling and insurance billing, in addition to the storage of patient health data. Owning and maintaining an up-to-date digital personal health record has many benefits and is the cornerstone of proactive healthcare involvement and better healthcare experiences.

One of the chief reasons to have your health data stored electronically is it improves the quality of healthcare you receive by enabling you to be better prepared for doctor visits, equipped with the accurate and relevant information that your doctor needs to pursue an optimal treatment course. Because that vital data can then be conveyed to your doctor more efficiently, more time can be spent during the visit focusing on diagnosing and treating as opposed to gathering information. The latter fact is of paramount importance given the fact that healthcare providers in general have busier schedules and less time to spend with individual patients.

A digital PHR also ensures the availability of your health information in a legible form and facilitates the flow of that information between your and healthcare provider(s) whether only one physician is treating you or several doctors are participating in your care. Information in the record can be conveyed to your health-care provider(s) verbally, in print out form, digitally on an external medium such as a flash drive, and in some cases via the Internet prior to office visits. This ease of transfer of medical data is vitally important considering the fact that 18% of medical errors are due to inadequate availability of patient information. Moreover, medical records are frequently lost, doctors retire, hospitals or HMOs purges old records to save storage space, and employers frequently change group health insurance plans resulting in patients needing to change doctors and request transfer medical records which are sometimes illegible. Despite efforts on the part of the government to encourage doctors to keep medical records on a computer, i.e. utilize electronic medical records (EMRs) also called electronic health records (EHRs) in order to reduce errors, the fact of the matter is only 5% of doctors keep medical records on the computer and many that have purchased EMRs have never effectively implemented them or continued to use them in their practices.

Another compelling reason to have an updated personal health record is it could save your life. The Center for Disease Control on its annual list of leading cause of death included medical airs which was listed six ahead of diabetes and pneumonia. Approximately 120,000 Americans die each year as a result of preventable medical errors in hospitals, and who knows what the total is including patients treated outside of the hospital. Equally daunting is the fact that most emergency rooms cannot adequately retrieve your critical health information in a time of emergency.

The fourth reason to have a PHR is to reduce your healthcare expenses. Doctors generally use subjective and objective information about you in arriving at a diagnosis and treatment plan. Subjective data is that information which can be expressed by you such as your symptoms, and objective data is that information which can be measured and recorded, such as physical exam findings, x-ray reports and laboratory test results. Many diagnoses and treatment decisions can be based in large part on subjective information obtained from the patient or patient's family, but if sufficient and appropriate subjective data cannot be obtained healthcare provider tend to rely more on objective data including x-rays and lab tests which result in higher treatment costs. X-rays and laboratory tests are oftentimes performed unnecessarily because they were recently performed but the patient did not know the results or did not even know they were performed, fueling the flames of rising healthcare costs.

The fifth reason you need your personal health information stored in a computer desktop-based application is to ensure the privacy of your information. There are online repositories that will store your health record, but there are definite concerns regarding privacy and the security of your data. By using a computer-based application to store all-important data about your health, you can ensure that the information remains private and secure. If you feel the need for greater security of the data within your computer or that which has been exported to a flash drive, there are affordably priced folder protection software programs which will protect the data by requiring a login. Alternatively, there are also biometric fingerprint reading devices which can be installed on your computer allowing login with a finger swipe.

The sixth reason you should have a computer-based record of your health information is the fact that maintaining a health record is a shared responsibility between the health-care provider and the health-care consumer. If you doubt that, try filling out a health insurance application without recorded health information to refer to. Traditionally patients have relied upon their healthcare providers to know everything about them and to record that information, but in today's era of change and looming healthcare reform, that cruise control approach is rapidly coming to a screeching halt. Just as taxpayers are held accountable for knowing and verifying the information they submit or the information that is submitted for them on their tax returns, healthcare consumers are going to be held more accountable for knowing and verifying what is in their medical record. This will be readily apparent if you are ever audited by the Internal Revenue Service or if you have health insurance benefits excluded after your policy has gone into effect because of pre-existing conditions which were not recorded in the insurance application questionnaire at the time of filing.

The seventh reason to have a digital personal health record is to enhance your doctor/patient rapport and engender mutual appreciation. I can recall those patients who were well-prepared with organized, relevant quality information to provide during their patient encounters and the delight I had in treating them. That type of encounter makes the practice of medicine much more fun and mutually beneficial. On the other hand, the patient, by seeking and obtaining a better understanding of my diagnostic and treatment course developed a greater appreciation for me and my efforts. I trust that your experience will be the same.

A digital personal health record (PHR) is a computer-based software application that allows you to store a variety of personal health information including illnesses, hospitalizations, encounters (i.e. visits and communications), journal information in between doctor visits, medications, allergies, immunizations, surgeries, lab results, and family history. Owning and maintaining an up-to-date digital personal health record has many benefits and is the cornerstone of proactive healthcare involvement and better healthcare experiences.

About The Author
With more than 20 years experience treating and evaluating patients I recognize the importance of patients having a good working knowledge of their personal health information, but realize that many times that knowledge is lacking.

For a solution to bridge the gap between what you should know and what you actually know about your health record visit my website.

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Take Charge Of Your Own Breast Health

Breast health is very important to adult women and good self-esteem about breasts and all physical features are very important for younger girls. Keeping these two different angles in mind are important for girls and women alike when it comes to good breast health and good self-image and self-esteem.

In North America, the incidence of Breast Cancer has increase almost three-fold in 40 years, going from 1 in 20 in the 1960's to 1 in 8 today. From the age of twenty, women should do monthly breast self-examinations. Breast cancers tend to grow significantly faster in younger women under age 50. Despite billions of dollars raised for research to "Find the Cure," the risk of breasts cancer today is greater than ever before. It's critically important for women to take charge of their health through these screenings and to understand that survivability is greatly enhanced when breast cancer is found early.

Because when it comes to breast health, knowledge is more than power–it's confidence. Women can help with the early detection and treatment of breast cancer by playing an active role in their own health care. While there are some different recommendations from medical organizations on the value of breast self-exams, all women's health organizations agree about the value of annual clinical breast exams, and the importance of regular mammograms after the age of 40. Breast health is more than just luck, genetics, where you live or what you eat.

Staying healthy is a challenge that engages our body, mind, and spirit. No matter what your age or position in life, understanding the connection between a healthy lifestyle and healthy breasts is vitally important. Breast health is on a continuum with normal healthy breast tissue at one end and cancer at the other. You can certainly go from no pathology to cancer and you can slide down the continuum and never develop breast cancer, but not accepting unhealthy changes in your breasts is proactive and may very well prevent cancer. Also, you may lower your risk of breast cancer by living a healthy lifestyle, including eating a low-fat, high-fiber diet and exercising.

Most people are familiar with the antioxidant process, and many include this in there daily routines, but not many are aware that this is just the first step to a healthy body. Antioxidants are beneficial because they affix themselves to free radicals while absorbing the elements before they have the ability to infiltrate healthy normal tissues. It is in everyone's health interests, to include regular daily amounts of the best antioxidants in their diets, in support of healthy lifestyles.

Only 10% of breast health issues are attributed to family genes, the higher percentage due to environmental, dietary or lifestyle issues. Antioxidants are intimately involved in the prevention of cellular damage -- the common pathway for cancer, aging, and a variety of diseases. Antioxidants are key elements in preventing cancer, because they stabilize highly reactive free radicals that can otherwise damage our DNA and begin the process of cancer development. 

About The Author
Paul Rodgers specializes in marketing natural skin health and beauty products

With current women's health statistics in the United States, the need to educate and provide effective nutritional supplements to maintain breast health is a necessity. Find out more about Breast Health

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The Importance of Alkaline Balance in the Body

In order to function at optimum capacity, the internal body environment must remain as close to neutral as possible. It likes to measure in on the pH scale at 7.39. When the body takes in an excessive amount of acids, as it does so often as a result of making the wrong food choices, this excess must be brought back into balance. The way the body accomplishes this is by bringing the acid and alkaline levels back into balance.

Each of the elements inside the body, the vitamins, amino acids, fatty acids, minerals, sugars and trace elements, can be categorized as either an acid or an alkaline. One interesting fact about an acid and an alkaline element is that when they are mixed together, they are able to cancel each other out. The scientific term for what is created when an alkaline and an acid element are combined is a neutral salt.

Much in the same way as the neutral color gray results when black and white are combined, and when the neutral temperature of warm results when hot water is combined with cold, a neutral salt cancels out the inherent respective properties of the combined acid and alkaline elements. With no acid or alkaline properties, neutral salts have no impact on the cellular serums or blood in which they are present.

When excess acid is present, the body must go out and find alkaline elements to begin the process of neutralizing this excess acid. Alkalines are usually present in the blood, but because the blood cannot tolerate much variation in its pH level, this is never a good source from which to borrow. A better source for alkaline elements is the internal organs and tissues. These areas can tolerate a greater degree of pH level fluctuation.

Even though the internal organs and tissue can exist in the short-term without all of the necessary alkaline, it is of critical importance that the borrowed alkaline be replaced. Normally this is not a problem. A healthy diet is generally all it takes to replenish alkaline levels. But most people don't consume a healthy diet. It is this repeated borrowing of alkaline without replacement that becomes a serious situation.

In fact, given the way many people eat today, it is not uncommon for alkaline to be borrowed and not replenished every single day, and worse, many times in a single day. Taking more alkaline than is being replenished will sooner or later create a deficit. Alkaline has a purpose. It is crucial to the properly functioning of the internal organs and tissue. It is not present in the body so that it can be used to help neutralize excessive acid.

A shortage of alkaline inside the body occurs much more frequently than it should. The end result of this alkaline mineral loss can be any number of different illnesses and diseases and an overall feeling of poor health.

About The Author
Beverly Taylor
Address: P.O. Box 2535 Key West, FL 33045
Phone: 954-732-3310
Email for website:


Three All Natural Stress Balancing Tools For A Happier Life

Since the beginning of time, the biggest challenge that has always faced human existence was in how to effectively cope with the physical environment that surrounds us. From the need to hunt and gather food, to searching for adequate housing protection from the elements, or escaping an occasional life threatening danger, our bodies are uniquely designed to handle brief episodes of stress.

When our thinking mind determines that we must summon up an effort to tackle a perceived problem, the adrenal gland bumps up its production of hormones to confront the issue with a sudden burst of energy. This really is a good thing, as it enables us to handle the important details of our lives.

The downside to this process, however, is that our thinking mind is not always rational about what it considers to be a threat to our well being or what is harmless. Our thinking mind is bombarded with literally hundreds of bits and pieces of useless information that is a normal part of living in a modernized world.

While it is certainly impossible to eliminate all of the stress from our lives, it would not necessarily be beneficial for most people. Keep in mind that a certain amount of stress actually motivates many people to make positive changes in their lives. Learning how to prioritize and distinguish between what needs are important to you, and which ones you would be better off letting go of, is the key to balancing your stress levels.

Be advised that a constant infusion of a stress hormone called 'cortisol' can build up in the bloodstream. Over a relatively short amount of time, this can lead to a variety health complaints such as anxiety, depression, decreased immunity, weight gain or loss, hypertension, muscle aches and pains, digestive issues, or adrenal exhaustion resulting in a no hormone response at all to fight or flight, ending in a complete collapse. Nearly all physical health problems can be traced back to one main contributor, emotional upheaval.

Reducing the amount of stress we have some amount of control over is one constructive way of turning off a few of the everyday, little things that may really be bothering us like loud music, the media, and that constant on-the-go cycle of modern life.

Despite our best efforts to keep a lid on run away stress, the unpredictability of life is going to throw us an occasional curve ball. Troubled relationships, natural disasters, and job losses are an inevitable part of living life and will cause our stress hormones to spike. You may just have to let go at a time like this, and treat yourself extra nice until the crisis passes, as it usually does.

Dietary Needs:

One of the best ways to sustain our physical stamina in an emotional crisis is giving our body what it needs to produce energy in the first place. Junk foods may be an easy pacifier to reach for, but a well balanced healthy diet would serve us much better. Avoid using caffeine and alcohol to cope with life's unpredictability, drink more pure water instead.

Get more fresh air and plenty of sunshine when at all possible, as vitamin D will help keep your sleep/wake cycle regulated.

Exercise and Sleep:

Even if you really aren't motivated to exercise, find some type of physical activity that you can do on a regular basis. Walking and aerobics are popular choices, but there are so many others to choose from.

Try to get in 20 to 30 minutes of physical exertion (3 to 5 times a week) that gets your heart pumping and you have to breath deeply. Stress hormones are proportionately produced during physical activity and provides a healthy release mechanism for emotional anxiety. This re-uptake helps relax our body and mimics our running away from danger so we can rest and sleep normally afterward.

Sleep is something many of us short change ourselves on. We often get keyed up trying to finish that one last thing before bedtime. Whatever you think you must finish up, it usually can wait until the next day. Give yourself at least an hour to relax and unwind before bedtime. Take a warm bath or shower, as it helps lower body temperature to help make you drowsy. Read something pleasant that makes you feel good.


Many of us have been taught to live by a certain set of rules or standards that can cause a lot of unhealthy emotions to be kept suppressed. Our ideas, thoughts and beliefs about certain situations or people can have a very limiting effect upon our lives. Open up your mind to the possibilities that we all carry around some emotional burdens from our past that we may not be consciously aware of in the here and now. When we make the effort to free ourselves up from something that we may have long forgotten about, we can open new pathways to happiness and resolve old issues for good.

There are so many little day-to-day things that can really add up over time. Consider learning how to appreciate more of the things that are going well in your life, and all the material things that you already have.

Get together often with family, friends and neighbors that make you smile, laugh and feel good about life. Connect with your significant other and give each other back and foot massages, meditate, or pursue some creative project. Just know and trust that making the effort is enough, and the calmer life you are hoping for will be here before you know it.

About The Author
Brenda Skidmore can attest to the many positive results natural health cures can bring to human health. Along with the many medical professionals, whose published works she has studied, it is her sincere desire to empower others by sharing this important information. To improve your health today visit:


What Every Woman Should Know About Her Hormones and USP Progesterone

Millions of women are in search of menopausal relief while their younger counterparts struggle with PMS. Confusion about the safety of available treatments for their symptoms often keeps women from getting any help at all.

After the Women's Health Initiative Study released its findings about the dangers of synthetic hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in July 2002, doctors abandoned women's hormone health for misinformation, confusion, antidepressants and birth control pills. Due to special interest groups, mainstream medicine offers no alternatives to traditional HRT. Instead, they continue to ignore the needs of these women even after years of research and countless medical studies have shown USP Progesterone and other bio-identical hormones to be safe and effective.

Menopause and PMS relief does not have to come from potentially dangerous synthetic hormone replacement drugs anymore! "The Truth about Hormone Therapy," an article published in the Wall Street Journal, delivered a slap to the face of mainstream medicine by pointing out their archaic hormone replacement therapy practices. The article made reference to the dangers of synthetic HRT and the fact that natural USP progesterone (produced from yams or soy plants) and other bio-identical hormones are the safe alternative to traditional HRT.

Natural bio-identical hormones are now available over-the-counter at health food stores and online. In addition, compounding pharmacies across the country offer prescription required bio-identical hormone preparations. The days of ignorance and confusion are over. Physicians should be recommending safe and effective bio-identical alternatives instead of opting for the new look of an outdated therapy (lower dosages of the same old dangerous drugs).

Natural bio-identical hormones have a chemical structure that is identical to the hormones naturally produced by our bodies. Synthetic hormones such as Premarin (estrogen made from a pregnant horse's urine), Provera (progestin), or Prempro (estrogen plus progestin) have similar but not identical structures, often resulting in unpleasant and dangerous side effects. The Women's Health Initiative Study found Prempro posed unacceptable risks of breast cancer, heart attack, stroke and blood clots. Several major studies have confirmed the WHI findings and more ongoing studies are vigorously being conducted every day.

Hormones are our bodies' chemical messengers. They travel through the bloodstream to trigger certain activities or changes in the body. Hormones work by binding to specialized areas of cells known as receptor sites. There they initiate a chain of events in specific cells, organs and systems. The body produces many hormones, but the most significant hormones related to the female cycle are estrogen, and progesterone.

Estrogen is a female sex hormone. Women produce greatest amounts in the ovaries, adrenal glands and fat tissue. It is the dominant hormone during the first part of the cycle causing the uterine lining to thicken and at mid cycle causes ovulation. Estrogen contributes to bone and cardiac health, vaginal lubrication and many other physical and emotional aspects of health. At one time low estrogen was blamed for all of the discomfort associated with menopause, but current medical research has led to the discovery that it is a lack of progesterone that is not only responsible for many symptoms of menopause but PMS as well.

Like estrogen, progesterone is a female sex hormone. It is also produced in the ovaries and adrenal glands, and during pregnancy in the placenta. During the reproductive years, progesterone prepares the uterine lining for pregnancy. Each month, progesterone levels rise following ovulation and then gradually fall to trigger a monthly menstrual period. Progesterone balances the effects of estrogen and when not enough progesterone is present can lead to PMS and/or menopausal symptoms.

USP (United States Pharmacopeia) grade progesterone is most often prescribed for peri-menopausal women to counteract the effects of "estrogen dominance." An article published on-line in Associated Content, "Obstacles to Avoid When Trying to Lose Weight during Menopause," explains how estrogen dominance occurs when a woman's body produces smaller amounts of progesterone than normal (relative to estrogen levels) creating a hormonal "imbalance". However, USP progesterone studies have shown that symptoms of PMS and menopause respond quite favorably to progesterone therapy.

The benefits of natural bio-identical USP progesterone have been shown to include:

Protects the breast from cancer by counteracting the effects of estrogen
Reduces bloating and weight gain
Reduces carbohydrate and sugar cravings
Produces a calming, anti-anxiety effect
Reduces mood swings
Regulates menstrual flow
Decreases cramping and miscarriage
Reduces uterine fibroids and fibrocystic breast disease
Reduces bone loss
Decreases hot flashes
Promotes vaginal lubrication
Increases libido
Reduces dry skin
Lowers cholesterol
Improves memory
Reduces chronic fatigue
Reduces migraine headaches
Reduces insomnia
Reduces hair loss

In addition to the symptom relieving benefits of USP progesterone, post-menopausal women can take advantage of its protective benefits. They can feel confident knowing they are helping to protect themselves from breast cancer and many of the chronic diseases associated with the post-menopausal years such as osteoporosis, heart disease and stroke.

USP progesterone is currently available in a cream that is rubbed into the skin. The absorption rate of certain medications can be increased when delivered through the skin instead of the stomach. The cream is made up of tiny, fat-soluble molecules that easily cross the skin barrier and can quick be absorbed. This allows for up to 90 percent absorption and utilization by the body and is thought to be the delivery system of the future.

Over-the-counter USP progesterone cream can be purchased without a prescription or can be ordered by a physician and prepared as a cream or suppository by a compounding pharmacy.

About The Author
Dr. Patricia Beckstead is the Founder of Freedom from Menopause and PMS - natural products for healthy living, menopause and PMS relief. The #1 doctor recommended resource for holistic alternatives to prescription drugs, her website offers information and the most powerful bio-identical hormones and nutritional supplements available without a prescription.


Top 6 Secrets of How to be Happy

Happiness is an attitude. It is the glow that brings cheer to your face. Unfortunately, it is not store bought. Happiness actually begins from the inside and encompasses everything you do.

Being happy has many fringe benefits, apart from the obvious. If you are happy, you have greater chances of attracting more happiness, achieving your goals and becoming more successful.

So, what makes people happy? That is a question worth considering. You see, different people feel happiness in different circumstances. Some people need small things to feel happy while others may feel like they need a million dollars in their savings account before they can begin to find a reason to smile.

Having said that, there are certain tried and tested secrets that can light the magic of happiness in your heart.

Cheer someone else: Nothing can bring you more happiness than extending a helping hand. When compassion enters the mind, selfish interests fly out. Treat others with respect and in a generous manner. When you give something to a person who needs it, your own sense of happiness increases ten fold. Don’t ask me why. Just try it.

Feel grateful: This is one of the best ways to be happy. Most of us are in the habit of looking up – we look at people who are richer than us, more attractive, more successful and so on. For a change, try looking down – at those who are less fortunate. This may seem sadistic, but when you look at those who are less fortunate, you suddenly realize how lucky you are. A good dose of healthy gratitude at the beginning of every day can leave you feeling happy throughout the day.

Live the moment: Most of us are so frustrated about the changes we did not make in the past and so anxious about what the future will bring that we forget about the present. Focus on what is happening to you right now – your dinner, this article or a conversation you are having.

Listen to music: We all live stress-filled lives packed with too many activities, all vying to take center stage. Is it any wonder that we are coiled tight like springs? A little bit of the right kind of music is all you need to de-stress and feel lighthearted once again. According to many scientific studies, music affects a part of the brain that can lower heart rates, induce feelings of peace and produce happiness.

Take some well needed rest: We are slowly becoming a planet of sleep deprived people. Lack of rest can make you itchy and cranky. Make it a point to get a good night’s rest. It can do wonders to your happiness quotient.

Live in good health: Say goodbye to fat-soaked, carbohydrate-rich food. Start eating healthy. Do some exercise. Meditate. Take care of your body and mind. When you take care of yourself, you will be suffused with a sense of well being and happiness.

These are just some of the ways in which you can invite happiness into your life. There may be many factors in your life that is beyond your control. Even so, there are still a lot of things that you can change. In the end, it is your attitude that matters. It is in your hands to decide whether you want to be happy or not.

Meaning of Happiness - At, our mission is to make people happy. We provide you with tips from experts which will help you to find happiness in life. Visit us now for more information.


Tips to Teaching Kids About Money

One of the biggest mistakes many parents make when preparing their student for college is neglecting to actually teach them about how (and how not) to spend their money.

Since many college students are not financially independent they can produce quite a financial burden on their parents. And since the young adults do not feel the repercussions for themselves, that behavior can continue until they are completely financially independent. In this article, we'll go over why teaching kids about money is a crucial part of preparing them for college, as well as some popular ways to do this.

The recent financial crisis that has swept across the country has destroyed a lot of jobs and made higher learning a veritable requirement for proper financial independence. Since going to college gives students a much better shot at eventually getting out on their own (and being successful at it), getting your kid ready for college not only academically but also financially is more important than ever. There are a number of ways to reinforce proper spending habits, but the most obvious is to do so by example. Spending your money in responsible, mature ways and then explaining the reasoning behind that spending is a great way to teach kids about money as a tool, rather than something to be thrown away on immediate desires.

Unfortunately, college preparation courses in high schools do not teach students how to resist the pressures of college life, more responsibly divide up their resources, and spend their money in healthy, mature ways. High schools are notorious for not offering practical financial education
courses which would help today's youth be prepared for the banking system, credit and debit cards, loans, and long-term investments.

There are a few programs that may help your child be prepared for the financial challenges that await them in the 'real world'. Financial literacy programs, or money camps, are popular with parents that understand the importance of teaching kids about money. Responsible parents can enroll their child in afterschool programs that have financial literacy courses, or even go to financial educational websites themselves to learn how to more properly prepare their student for financial independence.

Teaching kids about money has become a huge part of getting them ready for the real world, especially with the reputation college students carry for being dirt poor. Making your student more financially responsible while also reducing the monetary burden they place on you is a win-win situation.

More information regarding how to more properly get your kids ready for independence, be it at college or simply on their own in the real world, can be found at the National Youth Financial Educators site .


Want Good Skin Try Superfood

It's been said we are what we eat, and that sentiment definitely holds true when it comes to our skin. It's our body's biggest organ, and it deserves all the nutritional TLC we can give it. So take a look at what you've been feeding yourself, and therefore feeding your skin. One the most important components of skin health is vitamin A, and probably one of the best sources of it is low-fat dairy products. It could be said the health of our skin depends on vitamin A. Low-fat yogurt is not only high in vitamin A, but also acidophilus, the "live" bacteria that is good for intestinal health. Turns out, it may also have an impact on the skin, since it aids in digestion. Other good sources of vitamin A include cod liver oil, sweet potatoes, carrots, leafy vegetables, and fortified breakfast cereals.

It's important to also make sure you're eating foods rich in antioxidants, such as blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, and plums. The benefits of these foods for healthy skin are plentiful. The antioxidants and other phytochemicals in these fruits can protect the skin cells, so there is less chance for damage. This in turn guards against premature aging, and keeps skin looking younger longer. Other fruits and vegetables that are high in antioxidants include artichokes, black, red, and pinto beans, prunes, and pecans. Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are essential to your skin. Include salmon, walnuts, canola oil, and flax seed. EFAs keep cell membranes healthy, and allow nutrients to pass through. We also need healthy oils, which contain more than essential fatty acids. Eating good-quality oils helps keep skin lubricated and keeps it looking and feeling healthier overall. Look for oils that are cold pressed, such as olive or extra virgin oil. We only need about two tablespoons a day of healthy oils, so use wisely.

Selenium plays an important role in the health of skin cells. Turn to foods like Whole-wheat bread, muffins, and cereals; turkey, tuna and brazil nuts for this important nutrient. Recent studies show that if selenium levels are high, even skin damaged by the sun may only suffer minimal, if any, damage.

Choosing the whole grain versions of complex carbohydrates can have a significant effect on insulin levels. Processed and refined sugars can cause inflammation that may ultimately be linked to skin break outs.

Green tea has anti-inflammatory properties, and it protects the membrane of the cell. It may even help prevent or reduce skin cancer risks. Water plays such an important role in your overall health, and it has a profound effect on your skin's health as well. Well-hydrated skin is healthy and young-looking. It also helps move the toxins out of your system so they have less chance to do damage.

To read about grapefruit tree and grapefruit oil, visit the Grapefruit Facts site.


Health Benefits of Onion

While onion's health promoting abilities have long been recognized, it's only recently that their considerable curative abilities have been conclusively demonstrated and thus their elevation to Superfood status.

Onions are a major source of two phytonutrients that play a significant role in health promotion: flavonoids and the mixture of over fifty sulfur-containing compounds. The two flavonoid subgroups found in onions are the anthocyanins that impart a red/purple colour to some varieties, and the flavanols such as quercetin and its derivatives that are responsible for the yellow flesh and brown skins of many varieties of onions. The flavonols are concentrated in the skin of most onions where they contribute to the colour of the vegetable.

We now know that the health promoting compounds in onion, like those in garlic, are separated by cell walls. Slicing an onion ruptures these walls and releases the compounds which then combine to form a powerful new compound: thiopropanal sulfoxide. In addition to mitigating various diseases, this substance also gives cut onions their pungent aroma and their ability to make us cry.

To get the most health benefits from onions, let them sit for five to ten minutes after cutting and before cooking. Heat will deactivate the thiopropanal sulfoxide and you want to give it time to fully develop and concentrate before heating.

While chopping onions may make you cry, their considerable cardiovascular benefits should bring a smile beneath your tears. Like garlic, onion consumption has been shown to lower high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure. Onions, along with tea, apples and broccoli --the richest dietary sources of flavonoids- have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease by 20% in a recent meta-analysis that reviewed the dietary patterns and health of over 100,000 individuals.

From a health promotion standpoint, the most pungent onions pack the biggest wallop. In one test of the flavonoid content of onions, shallots had six times the amount found in Vidalia onions, the onion with the lowest phenolic content. Shallots also had the most antioxidant activity. Western Yellow onions had the most flavonoids - 11 times the amount found in Western White, the type with the lowest flavonoids content. All types of onions are good additions to your diet but try to choose the stronger tasting ones when appropriate to your recipe.

Regular consumption of onions has also been associated with a reduced risk of colon cancer. It's believed that the flavonoid quercetin in onions is the protective factor as it's been shown to stop the growth of tumours in animals, and to protect colon cells from the negative effects of some cancer-promoting substances. There's also evidence that onions may lower the risk of cancer of the brain, oesophagus, lung and stomach.

Want to find out about cabbage plant and cabbage facts? Get tips from the Fruits And Vegetables website.


'how to be Proactive and Prevent Childhood Obesity'

Whether your child is at risk of becoming overweight or currently at a healthy weight, you can take proactive measures to get or keep things on the right track.

* Schedule yearly well-child visits. Take your child to the doctor for well-child checkups at least once a year. During this visit, the doctor measures your child's height and weight and calculates his or her BMI. Increases in your child's BMI or in his or her percentile rank over one year, especially if your child is older than 4, is a possible sign that your child is at risk of becoming overweight.
* Set a good example. Make sure you eat healthy foods and exercise regularly to maintain your weight. Then, invite your child to join you.
* Avoid food-related power struggles with your child. You might unintentionally lay the groundwork for such battles by providing or withholding certain foods — sweets, for instance — as rewards or punishments. As a general rule, foods aren't recommended for behavior modification in children.
* Emphasize the positive. Encourage a healthy lifestyle by highlighting the positive — the fun of playing outside or the variety of fresh fruit you can get year-round, for example. Emphasize the benefits of exercise apart from helping to manage their weight, for example, it makes their heart, lungs and other muscles stronger. If you foster your child's natural inclination to run around, explore and eat only when hungry — not out of boredom — a healthy weight should take care of itself.
* Be patient. Many overweight children grow into their extra pounds as they get taller. Realize, too, that an intense focus on your child's eating habits and weight can easily backfire, leading a child to overeat even more, or possibly making him or her more prone to developing an eating disorder.

Keep these facts in mind and always be proactive so you don't have to worry about your child suffering from obesity. Have a healthy and happy day!

References: Mayo Clinic

Sincerely Your Friend In Health
& Fitness,

Natalie Pyles
Fitness & Weight-loss Expert, Nutrition Specialist, Author & Speaker
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How to Communicate so Your Partner Will Listen

When communication between couple fails, anything happens. Conflict, argument, break-up, and worse divorce happen in a short period.

I have seen it in my practice. Miscommunication has often been an easy passport to emotional turmoil and chaotic existence. What are some ways to communicate so your partner will listen?

Set understanding as the main goal

When dealing with your partner, always aim for understanding rather than confusion, for agreement rather than argument. You can never go wrong if you make this as your main goal or even a motto. It is not easy though since it requires some effort to put your ego aside for the sake of harmony.

Prioritize understanding as much as you can. But never sacrifice your independence, your choices, and your values. Understanding doesn’t mean surrender; it simply means accommodating your partner’s individuality so together you can achieve success.

Be gentle

Being gentle is the quickest way to show that you are willing to listen. Show that you value your partner’s position through your sweet voice. Make your facial expression as agreeable as possible. Smile . . . even if you want to frown so badly. Give your partner frequent and warm eye contact that can melt his or her heart.

During your discussions, provide proper gestures. Nod your head. Lean forward. Make short positive comments. Tone down your voice. Don’t stand up suddenly and never swing your arms for no obvious reason. Avoid any stance that can be sensed as aggressive.

Aim for agreeable position

You may believe that you and your partner are poles apart. But you know what? Your togetherness simply proves there is glue that makes you stick as a couple, that you mutually share same ideas and interests. It’s your role to find out what that glue is.

Perhaps you can try to answer some questions. What are your partner’s positions that you can relate with? What are some of your partner’s ideas that you like although different from yours? What do you enjoy sharing together? About delicate issues, explore some ideas that you share and believe in. You will be surprised that you actually have many areas in common.

Appreciate the other side

Your partner deserves respect. Long-held beliefs and ideas must be important for his or her self-esteem and sanity. Show that you care by appreciating them though such convictions may sound illogical. Remember, your partner cherishes unique sets of principles and will not easily give these up simply because you are together.

The best approach is to recognize your partner’s uniqueness. By doing this, you’re not necessarily devaluing and disrespecting your own. You’re just embracing another person’s individuality so you can appreciate yours as well.

Control brewing negative emotions

When two people with varying DNA deal with issues, it’s likely to precipitate anger, discontent, disappointment, and frustration. It’s normal. No doubt, complex problems can elicit discomfort never before experienced.

Your role at this stage is to recognize the brewing emotions, to identify triggers, and to contain such emotions as soon as possible. During potentially explosive discussions, excuse yourself for a few minutes. Walk away. Confine yourself in the bedroom for a few hours. Roam around the mall. Walk in the park. Stay away until you feel better, until you feel ready to give a hug rather than to throw a punch.

As a social being, you have a task to strengthen rather than to ruin your relationships. Make your partner feel important through deep understanding and practical communication techniques.

Dr. Michael G. Rayel - author (A 31-Day Series and First Aid to Mental Illness) psychiatrist, and inventor of emotional and social skills games -- The Oikos Game Series. Visit to know more about these games. Since 2005, he has published as a personal development resource.
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Herbs Versus Prescription Drugs - a Comparison

Prozac, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibit...Image via Wikipedia

We all know of the negative side effects which some prescription drugs can cause. Indeed, many of these drugs have official recommendations for use no longer than more three months at a time (particularly with anti-depressants and other mood-altering prescription medications). Yet what do we know about the alternative; herbal supplements, and should we be ditching one for the other?

In one word: No.

For many years herbal supplements have been looked upon by medical professionals and much of the population alike as 'silly' and as a waste of time. Yet in recent years the medical industry has been sitting up and taking notice of some of the clinical evidence given that many herbal supplements are having a positive effect on our health. This doesn't mean that Doctors and drugs companies such as GlaxoSmithKline and Bayer should stop producing their medication made for prescriptions but rather that they should weigh up which will be more beneficial to the patient or to their medical condition.

There is no way of saying which is better out of herbal supplements and prescriptions drugs; each have their own merits and their own downfalls. Yet when it comes to deciding what to do about our own health there is something we can do. Try discussing your ideas about using herbal supplements with your GP. If they dismiss the idea but your condition is not severe then suggest you try out the supplement for a week and see what the effects are (for instance, using oatmeal scrubs twice daily for eczema instead of steroid creams which thin the skin). It's important to check out herbal remedies
with a medical practitioner as there are some plants and extracts which can be dangerous to some patients.

Remember, what you do with your own body is your choice and when it comes to prescription drugs you don't always have to take them. It's a matter of common sense and if your condition isn't severe or life threatening then consider the side-effect-free, all natural herbal alternative before diving down to the chemist.

Lucia Halotova enjoys writing about health related topics and has written for a wide range of publications on topics such as fibromyalgia and depressions in recent years. She currently resides in New York City with her family and is a freelance writer.. Visit Herbal Supplements versus Prescription Drugs - Pros and Cons.
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Natural Home Remedies and Cures

The maid of honour has her make-up applied.Image via Wikipedia

What is beauty?

The quality of person which gives the pleasure to the mind or senses is specially associates with the perfection in body, lovely face, and color. In other words the person who is physically attractive and has a feature that makes you superior.

Method used for looking beautiful by today’s generation:

Beauty is very needed for mankind. Today Mostly people make tattoos, wear rings through the ears and nose, wearing anklet, and many more things to look beautiful. More contemporary methods like hair dying, cosmetic, make-up method, and also use physical ornament such as jewelry, earrings, clothing styles, and hair styles in many more forms. All this things we do only for the single purpose to look beautiful.

Why man or women want to look beautiful?

Improve the self-image through improved appearance to look more attractive. Because everybody wants to look different from the other and they do anything for it. But best beauty in the whole world is the natural beauty which is given by the god. So, please don’t destroy your natural beauty by makes such type of synthetic beauty products or tips. If you want to look beautiful then use only natural product which don’t have side effect. Living a natural lifestyle will provide a natural and healthy look to you.

Here are some natural beauty tips:

1. Drink lot of water. Water makes your digestion powerful and make you healthy because I think mostly problem related to skin is formed due to the problem in stomach. Drink about 8 to 10 glasses of water.

2. Eat plenty of fresh raw vegetables because raw vegetables contain more minerals then the cooked vegetables. Your body needs more minerals and nutrients which we can get from raw vegetables.

3. Take vitamin in proper amount. They keep you healthy, help you sleep, if you are taking right amount of vitamin it nourish not only your blood but skin also. You fell younger and fresh. The real secret of Beauty is when you feel good, you look good.

4. Take proper amount of sleep and rest. Don’t stay up too late in night. Try to sleep early at night and wake up early in the morning. Take a regular walk daily in the morning it makes your body healthy and fresh. Sleep is a time when your body regenerates. So, take proper amount of sleep.

5. Try to reduce stress in your life. Stress makes your body lazy and unfit. If you remove stress from your body then the above mention tips work on your body and skin. Stress can see from your whole body: the way you walk, eyes look, pale and exhausted appearance on your skin, the way you look, the way you sit on your chair etc.

Use Natural Home Remedies for look younger because natural home remedies have no side effect, no chemical, no harm, and no allergy. There is only one big tip for you keep yourself happy and it will definitely show in your skin. For more info visit our site
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What are the Best Sleep Disorder Treatments Available?

A basic digital clock radio with analog tuningImage via Wikipedia

We all need to get sleep. But what happens if you find you're experiencing restless nights or worse? What are the best sleep disorder treatments available?

1. Keep to a routine

If you go to bed at 9pm one night, midnight the next then your body will get confused. It will start getting ready to sleep but you'll keep it awake for a few more hours. For more details This isn't good. Night shift workers can experience this kind of sleep disorder because of the nature of their work. But if you have the choice, do your best to make going to sleep a routine thing in much the same way as you set your alarm clock to wake you at the same time the next morning.

2. Stay cool but don't freeze

Keeping a cool temperature in the bedroom is good. Obviously you don't want to be sleeping in a blizzard, so don't take this to extremes. But your bedroom should be cooler than other parts of your house. Adjust the thermostat on your heating or set the heating clock so that your bedroom has time to cool down before you retire for the evening.

3. Don't stress about going to sleep

This is maybe easier said than done. But the more you think about not sleeping, the more likely you are to stay awake. The boredom of counting sheep may not work for you but there are other things you can do to reduce the stress you bring on yourself when you start to worry about not sleeping. Start by yawning. This has a couple of effects: you'll probably feel a little sleepier as we associate yawns with sleep and you'll take a longer, slower breath. Your breathing naturally slows down whilst you sleep. Give it a helping hand by slowing down your inhalations and exhalations. If your stress is generated by work and your everyday life, look into other relaxation techniques such as meditation.

4. Go dark

As long as we've been on this planet, we've associated dark nights with sleep. Make sure your bedroom reflects this. For more details The reflection of your alarm clock on the ceiling or wall isn't good. Nor are the trickles of light that can come in under doors or through your curtains. Think about adding a blackout lining to your curtains if they regularly let in too much light.

5. Lay off the caffeine

Steer clear of caffeine in the latter part of your day. It's a stimulant and that's the exact opposite of what you want to help you go to sleep. Remember that it's not just coffee and cola that have caffeine in them. So does tea, green tea and most energy drinks. Cut down gradually to avoid withdrawal effects and if you need your caffeine fix, experiment to see how you can gradually reduce this caffeine dependency.

6. Skip the nightcap

Alcohol is disruptive to sleep patterns. Pure and simple. Cut out the nightcap for a few nights and you'll start sleeping better. If you "need" a glass of wine to unwind when you get home, drink it early to give it time to work its way through your system.
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Eating Healthy Fast Food on the Run

Hot DogImage via Wikipedia

There is a way to eat healthy, maintain and even lose weight while frequentlng your favorite drive-thru or sandwich shop. Learning how to do this is easy if you know what to look for and be willing to take control of how your food is prepared.

There are a few websites on the web that contain nutritional information about every food and condiment known to man at just about all of the major and/or well known fast food chains of our great nation. I have spent countless hours on these retrieving the best choices for my fitness clients who travel for a living and cannot cook, much less shop for groceries. The easiest sites to maneuver are: and

Simply choose your fast food restaurant and then the foods you like to eat. A healthy choice is anything that is 250-350 calories with fat at around 10 grams or under. Keep in mind that fast food is not normally considered a low fat food, and doing so is difficult, but doable. The easiest thing to go for is a grilled chicken breast with a plain salad of greens and veggies. Skip dressings or go for a low cal vinegrette and use sparingly. Turkey and veggies on whole wheatbread is a great healthy sandwich choice, (skip the mayo of course).

There are ways to alter your favorite food quickie choices by substituting cheese, creamy sauce, and fatty dressings and condiments by opting instead for lemon wedges, fat free dressing (sparingly), and marinara or hot sauces, as well as salsa. These things will add flavor without added fat and calories. I hope you found this useful.

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Is Bottled Water a Good Option for Pure Home Water?

HELMAND PROVINCE, AFGHANISTAN - JULY 21: Bottl...Image by Getty Images via Daylife

So you're worried about the quality of your drinking water. You're in good company, estimates are that over 50% of Americans are worried about contaminated drinking water. But if you're after pure home water to drink is bottled water a good alternative?

Sadly, no. When you walk down the aisle of your supermarket you'd think that all those shelves stacked with the latest spring waters, mineral waters and every other type of water would mean that people are turning to bottled water because it's clean and safe to drink.

The reality is that although millions are turning to drinking bottled water it's not because it's clean and safe to drink. In fact for anyone looking for pure home water to drink bottled water probably isn't any safer than tap water.

And the reason that millions are turning to bottled water isn't that it's any purer than tap water, it's because all those advertisements featuring tumbling mountain streams or babbling brooks make them think that it's clean when it isn't. The advertising works very well.

How do I know this? Because it's been studied. In 1999 the National Resources Defence Council released a report entitled "Bottled Water. Pure Drink or Pure Hype". They spent 4 years testing over 1000 bottles of 103 different brands of bottled water.

Did it represent the best of pure water technology, is bottled water the purest water you can drink? Are you avoiding all those contaminants present in tap water by drinking bottled water?

Their conclusion was that it was unlikely to be any safer than tap water. The reason was that there is little regulation governing what's in bottled water, and the FDA doesn't require corporations to demonstrate the quality of their water.

So many bottled waters were no better than tap water, and tap water certainly isn't pure home water. It's seriously contaminated by a host of contaminants.

So is bottled water. The study found that around a third of those tested had contaminants including bacteria, synthetic chemicals and even arsenic. Ouch.

Not only that, one actually exceeded allowable state limits for contaminants.

That's of serious concern for anyone worried about the quality of tap water and who is looking for pure home water to drink. The conclusion was clear, bottled water is no better than tap water in most cases.

So if you're looking for pure home water what do you do? You certainly shouldn't be drinking bottled water. It's of poor quality and ounce for ounce it's more expensive than gas.

You ought to be drinking filtered water. Water filtration pure water technology is exceedingly good, and modern water filtration can filter around 97 - 99% if tap water contaminants, including lead and chlorine. And it can do it way cheaper than any bottled water. Far cheaper, at around 10 cents a gallon, and it will produce pure home water for drinking that is as clean as it's possible to get.

And there's so many contaminants in our tap water now. Most you'd never have heard of. How about bromochloroacentontrile. Ever heard of it? Got any idea what it is or what it will do if you drink it? I don't, but I know that the best water filters will filter it out.

There's stacks of synthetic chemicals like that you've never heard of, but you still don't want to be drinking them. And you're not with a quality home water filter.

So if you're looking for pure home water to drink skip bottled water, it's just a con. Use pure water technology in the form of a high quality water filter. At 10 cents a gallon for pure water it's got to be a winner.

Visit Peters website to find out more about the best drinking water filters. And find out more about high quality drinking water at
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Body Detox Recipe: Food For Thought

Gazpacho (Spanish liquid tomato salad).Image via Wikipedia

We take utmost care to keep our outer body in perfect condition and shape, but there is one thing that most of us often tend to neglect, that is our inner body. The way you take a bath regularly to keep yourself clean and hygienic, in the same way it is very important to clean your internal organs, in order to keep your body fit and healthy.

In recent times, it has been observed that body detoxifying programs have become very popular among people worldwide due to its many significant health benefits. With toxins entering our body in large amounts from various sources like, junk food, aerated drinks, tea, coffee, alcohol, etc. it has become a necessity for each and every one of us to follow a detoxification program in order to lead a healthier life.

As the title suggests, in this article we will be focusing on the various body detox recipes that you may follow in order to detoxify your body. But before we move on to body detox recipes, I feel it is important that you should know what these body detoxification programs do to help improve your health.

Body detoxification is a method that helps in cleaning our internal organs like kidney, liver, lungs etc. and flushing out harmful toxins. There are many detox recipes that are available therefore, depending on your taste, preference, and organ you can pick one particular body detox recipe that is likely to suit your needs the best.

There are several medicines found on the market that can help in body detoxification, but I personally would never recommend my readers to go for market bought medicines when there are several home remedies available that do not have any adverse side effects unlike most commercially bought medicines.

Below are a few body detox recipes that you may consider using:

1)Body detox Recipe 1:
1/2 cup of warm water
2 tablespoons of pure lemon juice
1 tablespoons of olive oil
1 tablespoons of black-strap molasses
A pinch of cayenne pepper
Mix the ingredients properly and gulp it down first thing in the morning for about 10 days.

2)Body detox Recipe 2:
1 carrot
1/2 beetroot
1 stick celery
1 cucumber
How to prepare this particular body detox recipe:
Wash the vegetables properly, peel their skin, cut them into pieces, put them in a juicer, and have the fresh juice for breakfast every day.

3)Body detox Recipe 3: Gazpacho Soup
3 cups seeded and diced red ripe tomatoes, red ripe
2 cups medium diced red bell pepper
2 cups medium diced red onions
1/2 cup medium diced celery
2 cups medium diced cucumber
1 teaspoon of minced garlic
1/4 cup red wine vinegar

2 cups organic vegetable juice
pinch of cayenne
1 teaspoon cumin (optional)

Method of preparation:
All you need to do is put the diced tomato, peppers, red onions, celery, and cucumber in a bowl and mix them together. Then divide the mixture into two bowls. Add garlic to one of the bowls and transfer it to a blender. Make a puree of the mixture until it becomes smooth. Next, add vegetable juice, cayenne, and cumin to the puree and run the blender again. Now add this freshly made mixture into the other bowl of diced vegetables and put it in the refrigerator for the night. Next day, before serving, you can garnish it with cilantro and lemon and voila, you have your Gazpacho Soup ready.

Abovementioned are a few effective body detox recipes; there are many more that you can find on the internet. So do your research and find out the right body detox recipe for yourself today.

On a last note, feel free to include these recipes in your daily diet and help your body function better than before.

John Khu is a health enthusiast and author of a new eBook titled "Body Detox Tips". He is devoted to educate others on the benefit of body detoxification. He is also the owner of the website called which provides complete and up-to-date information.
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