Ben 10

Ben 10 is an American animated television series created by "Man of Action" (AKA asDuncan Rouleau, Joe Casey, Joe Kelly, and Steven T. Seagle), and produced by The Cartoon Network. The first episode transmitted in December 2005, as a preview of Cartoon Network's Saturday lineup. The 2nd story was shown as a special on Cartoon Network's Fridays on 13th Jan 2006. The final episode was broadcast on. The theme song for the show was created by Andy Sturmer and sung by Moxy. In April 2008, Ben 10 was succeded by Ben 10: Alien Force.

The story is based around Ben Tennyson, and his cousin Gwen, and their grandfather Max. At the start of their summer holiday, Ben ventured off into the forest after an argument with Gwen, as he did not want her on the holiday, and finds an alien pod on the earth. When he studies it, he detects a mystical, watch-like device, called the Omnitrix, within it. The omnitrix attaches for good to his wrist and gives him the power to transform into a assortment of alien creatures, each with their own unique powers. Although Ben understands that he has a duty to help others with these new skills at his fingertips, he is not against having a little superpowered mischief now and then. Accompanied with Gwen and Max, Ben battles bad, both extraterrestrial being and criminal.

In the first series, the story chiefly focuses on the baddie Vilgax, an evil alien warlord who desires to use the Omnitrix to seize the galaxy. Injured at the start of the season, he sends various dawdlers to find the Omnitrix until he is recovered. After he is fully well, he attempts to retrieve it himself, only to be contained by Ben, Gwen and Max. Furthermore, it is hinted throughout the series that Max has more knowledge more about aliens than he lets on, culminating in the revealing that he and Vilgax had battled previously. A more subtle plotline involves Ben being forced to "grow up" and learning to use the Omnitrix responsibly.

The 2nd season largely follows a "villain of the week" format. The few plot-centric instalments focus on Kevin, a super-powered teen with the ability to absorb different types of energies, who comes across Ben in the first series. Having inadvertently let Kevin to absorb the Omnitrix's ability during their first meeting. Vilgax also returns in the finish, teaming up with Kevin in the chance of succeeding where he failed originally. Another important event during this series is the destruction of Ghostfreak, one of Ben's first ten forms.

The third season has a usual yet darker theme. Its few plot-centric sequences center around aliens styled on traditional horror monsters that Ben acquires as new forms through their meet with the Omnitrix.

Ben 10 Toys & Ben 10 Action Figures


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